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Sunday, August 9, 2009 ♥

long time nv update alr..lucky i still rmb e password..haha..work has become a routine for me..hope it will be as smoothly as possible till e day i leave...=D

a few weeks ago celebrated aisha's bdae..we gave her a surprise at minds cafe with her bf and her frens..it has been quite long since we last met up..glad that we still enjoyed the gathering =DD bought her balloons and perfume and we took some photos..

ok..they are not e main lead..=x

this is e main lead..wahaha..

group photo~



listened to the sweet sound @ 11:57 PM

Sunday, May 31, 2009 ♥

have not been updating...work was just so so..n i have graduated on 14/5..=DD meet up wif sec sch frens at ecp for bbq..though didn't eat much but it was fun!! mostly went hm early..left only a handful of us..playing games thruout..ws had soooo many games to plae..we were almost dead coming to e end, except for a particular person..快点,你们想要玩什么?? joke of e day!! ahahah..laugh our ass off..taman jurong...hahahahaha...(inside joke)..hope to meet up again =D


listened to the sweet sound @ 11:15 AM

Sunday, May 3, 2009 ♥

a looong holiday this weekend..well, today is alr sun...boring.....

1st of may
went sentosa with little n naughty..we went palawan beach n e sun was scorching..i had a bad sun burn..=( nite time, celebrate mother's day at JP ding tai feng..xiao long bao was nice!! =D

2nd may
went NP to collect grad robe with mt...upon reaching there, we were reminicing of e past when we waited for each other at e bus stop...sad...hahaha...after we've collected e robe, we went clementi ramen ten for sushi!! nice!!!!!!! however, when u r abt to sit down, don't assume there is cushion or smth like sakae seats..=) we had fun catching up with each other =DDD

then went plaza with pig to buy his grandma bdae's present..after that went hm...

p.s swine flu, don't get anymore serious!!
n my old no is no longer in use!! take note!! =)


listened to the sweet sound @ 11:37 AM

Sunday, April 26, 2009 ♥

hello...shall blog a little today..work has nt been that great..with all e fakers n everything, juz make mi turn off..however, there are great frens thou..i really miz schooling lots!! how i wished i can go back to lecture, be it sleep, taking down notes, chatting non stop wif frens, skipping lecture..it's so fun..i hope i can survive for at least 3 mths...hopefully e pay that comes in every mth will motivate mi a little..

went shopping wif colleagues/frens in nuh, we had a great day!! with all e laughter n silly act of xiao jun makes mi forget bout work for awhile..n we said we will do this once every mth.. =DD

p.s poly friends!!! meet up k?? mayb to sentosa?? =DD

listened to the sweet sound @ 12:49 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009 ♥

todae i shall update bout my birthdae celebration~!!
on 8th of apr, poly frens gave mi a SURPRISE!!! i'll slowly say it in details....

i was suppose to meet premy they all on e 8th..but pig(who is oso 1 of e accomplice) keep asking mi to meet him on e 8th as he claimed that he want to celebrate e eve wif mi..so he ask mi to change e date for meeting wif them..so on e 8th, after work i went to meet him at his workplace..then we walk ard bpp n reached hm at ard 8 plus..

when i opened e door, i was shocked...some1 grab my leg n then "SURPRISE!!" all of them(aisha, mt, chiew yang, aishang sally, matt, xk, aik nen n cp) were inside n sing mi bdae song..they decorate my rm so nicely with purple balloons, happy bdae wordings n all of them were wearing animals party hats...so cute can...hahaha...n they gave mi an elephant hat...took pics n they gave mi my "present"..noe y i sae "present"..they gave mi a gold handbag n ask mi like it or nt..i sae i like cuz pple give present cannot dislike..then they sae it's adidas..hahaha..n i realli believe it at first..chiew yang heard i sae i like it n she pass mi another identical bag!! so hilarious ok...n she hand mi e 3rd 1...i laugh my ass off...it was damn funny...i found out that it was frm kfc becuz they bought 3 family meal..

they hide e real present..so while they were eating i searched high n low for my present..haha...n i finally found it..it was a baby g watch (black n gold)..so nice with lots of functions...1 special thing is that it has both analogue n digital timing..so if u change e timing of e digital, e analogue will move by itself...it's so cool lah..they bought mi 1 stalk of purple flower too..all purple, so beautiful...

after eating, we played games..first is like donkey..e 1 wif e jokers is e loser..in e end matt hav e jokers..so his forfeit was to sing "SHENG SHIONG QUAN SHI WEI LE NI~~~" he was so shy that he secretly practice e song..hahaha..nice 1..then e indian poker..e 1 wif e biggest or e lowest number will be e loser..first round pig lose but they sae mock round so no forfeit..so b4 e 2nd round begin we sae e forfeit first..then they cum up wif e stupid forfeit that was to kiss mi..so i sae kiss my foot..n whu noes, pig lose again!! so embarrassing can...but lucky is on e cheek only..for e next round aisha get e smallest no, so her forfeit was to eat ketchup..haha..

after e games, we ate e cake n send them downstairs to go hm..cp drove e gals to e interchange n came back to fetch e guys for their next activity..overall, i realli had an enjoyable bdae..realli unforgettable..i wan to thank them for their hard effort!! realli touched..love u guys!! =DDD

on e 9th

met pig at his workplace again n we headed down to town, royal plaza carousel for buffet dinner..overall, i tink is quite ok but not really worth e price..their service were not bad..but i doubt i will go there again..after dinner we went to buy cake..we went in canele but pig sae nt much choices to choose frm..so we went paragon bakerzin..i find it weird as there r no cakes in e cafe..then he told e person 3316..i then realized he ordered e cake a few days ago..so which means he tricked mi juz now n acted so naturally by pretending to see other cafes..we went hm after that..

when i gt hm i opened up e cake, it was so beautiful as it was in a heart shape...he sae he gt another surprise for mi..but i have to wait outside at e dining room while he was in my rm doing e surprise...when he was ready he called mi n i saw beautiful lights bulbs with a heart shape n some were dangling on my bed..i realli had fun n an enjoyable dae out...realli happi k?? =DD

p.s i'm no longer teenager!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

deco on e 8th~

happy birthdae~~



alfredo pasta~


choco fondue~

heart shaped dark choco~

heart shaped lightings~ so nice!

p.s photos on e 8th will be posted once i get it frm frens~ =D

edit 6pm


we didn't posed for it, so coincidental~

e forfeit~ saw e hand behind pushing my head? it's my mother's -_-!

class photos!!

more on fb =)


listened to the sweet sound @ 2:51 PM

Monday, March 23, 2009 ♥

hello..todae shall tok bout my first dae of work..actually dun feel like goin as i'm sick..DAMN SICKENING U NOE....headache sore throat n everything..muz be becuz of e rain..n b4 that, i pray hard ok...i mean realli pray to god that e sister i'm reporting to hopefully is a nice person..

so first dae went out earlier as to gauge e timing..went out at 645 as need to report at 830..then when i reached there, it was only 745...-_-..so i went toilet, sit down..eat my bread..then went toilet again..after that i tink it's time for mi to go up alr...met sister, she was a nice person..then tok awhile n bring mi downstairs..

basically todae i juz do nth lah..sit ard n tear papers..hear that we will be goin for orientation for 2 weeks..that is when we will be trained..first dae of work alr need stay back for meeting..n it's only held once every mth..m i suay?? on e first dae hav meeting..so meeting end ard 730..

took e lift down n open e door...n i'm surprise to see some1 familiar at e couch..IS MR PIGGY TEO!!! hahaha..so happi oso..he took mc todae but still came here to gimme surprise...then went plaza for dinner n hm sweet hm..

p.s -piggy u r so sweet todae!
-hope tml n subsequent daes would be fine too


listened to the sweet sound @ 10:36 PM

Sunday, March 22, 2009 ♥

finally received last sem result on fri..so excited that as usual can't sleep well e previous nite..saw e result..kinda shocked..5 as..n fyp b..phew~ but i noe can do better than that..however muz be contented rite? so i'm quite happi wif my last sem result.. =) gt to noe that grad dae wud be on 14th may..get to see poly mates again =D

Goin to start work on mon alr..butterfly in my stomach..hope e pple r nice..wish mi gd luck k? =)

listened to the sweet sound @ 1:03 AM

♥ ME

ngee ann poly
working in wild life
loves family n hang

♥ yell

♥ waves

Felicia chin

♥ jukebox

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